Eye Doctors in San Jose & Saratoga
Wednesday, October 11, Closing Early
We’re always happy to see you, but don’t come this Wednesday afternoon, 10/11/17, because we will be closing early.
Read MoreWhy Buy Your Contact Lenses From Your Eye Doctor’s Office?
We believe in you having great vision from one exam to your next, and we offer these benefits to ensure that is the primary focus. Our Prices are competitive and often match or beat retailers after benefits and rebates are applied, and we offer no cost home delivery for most orders. For your Convenience…
Read MoreHalf of U.S. Parents Skip Back-to-School Eye Exams for Their Children, Survey Says
Survey reveals parents’ confusion about when and how often kids should visit the eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam. As much as 80% of learning a child does is visual, with children spending most of the school day reading, looking at a blackboard, and using laptops and tablets. However, come back-to-school season, parents overlook…
Read More2017 Solar Eclipse Information and Safe Viewing Tips
ARE YOU READY FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE ACROSS AMERICA? Never look directly at the sun, eclipsed or not. The Sun’s UV radiation can burn the retinas in the eyes leading to permanent damage or even blindness. This can occur even if your eyes are exposed to direct sunlight for just a few seconds. Proper eye…
Read MoreRec Specs Kids Special!
Rec Specs are sturdy glasses, many with built in straps. They are excellent for athletics and for kids at play. A Rec Spec frame and single vision lens package, when purchased as a second pair, is only $199. Plan ahead for summer activities with eye protection and backup glasses.
Read MoreItchy, tired, burning, crusty, or dry eyes may be blepharitis.
Don’t assume it’s just allergies and tough it out; symptoms such as itchy or scratchy eyes, foreign body sensation, tearing, crusting, redness/inflammation, dry eyes, and eye rubbing may come from a treatable condition called blepharitis. What is blepharitis? Blepharitis is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria living along…
Read MoreOakley! Coming spring 2017
Look for Oakleys at Westside Family Vision Center and Saratoga Vision Center. We are excited to have them in the offices this year.
Read MoreDiabetes and Vision
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. The following are some important suggestions that can reduce your chances of having to deal with this devastating condition. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. For those pressed for time, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great…
Read More2/21/17 Power Outage
The power is out at our Hamilton Avenue office (phones too) and we have had to close for the day. We are sorry about the inconvenience. We should be back tomorrow. We hope you all are doing well throughout the weather challenges this winter.
Read MoreHappy Holidays!
Win a $50 Amazon gift card! Does your holiday card this year include a picture of yourself or a family member wearing glasses? If it does, enter our drawing. Post your picture on our Facebook page or on Instagram with #westsidefamilyvisioncenterhappyholidays by 5 p.m. 12/19/16, and you will be entered. One lucky winner will be notified…
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