Posts Tagged ‘vision help’
Vision For Learning
According to the American Optometric Association, 25 percent of all children, or 1 in 4, have a vision problem significant enough to impact learning. A child may pass a visual acuity screening and still have an undetected vision problem; 20/20 eyesight does not indicate optimal functioning of the visual system. Routine, comprehensive eye exams are…
Read MoreDoes reading make you tired?
Fatigue with reading, discomfort, distractibility, poor comprehension, and losing your place can all be signs of vision problems. 20/20 vision is about clear sight, but there are other things going on besides seeing clearly, such as the way the eyes work together as a team, and the way the eyes move, with smoothness and accuracy…
Read MoreAnnual Eye Exams Help Set Students Up For Success
Why is eye health so important in learning and child development? “The American Optometric Association believes that eye health and vision disorders can greatly affect a child’s school success,” Dr. Benner, AOA President, said on “Good Morning Mid-Michigan.” “We know that about 80% of learning happens through the visual system, and unfortunately children aren’t always able…
Read MoreSymptom Relief
Are any of these things bothering you: Headaches, Dry Eyes, Dizziness, Neck & Shoulder Pain, Light Sensitivity, Eye Strain? Don’t give up on the notion that vision is a factor in your discomfort and improvement is a possibility.
Read MoreWatch This Brief Video For An Explanation Of The Vision/Symptom Connection
Preparations For Reopening Are Underway
We will be well prepared to see you safely very soon for routine visits. We’re working hard on planning and arrangements.
Read MoreWe Are Still Here To Help In The Following Ways
We wanted to update you on how we can support you during these confusing times. 1) For all our contact lens wearers, many of our suppliers have agreed to free shipping to patients. If you are low on contacts and may need them within the next two months, just give us a call as soon as…
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